As the snowy weather sets in, the State Forest Service calls for reporting the signs of wolves in order to get as much information as possible on the wolf habitat in Latvia. The information gathered is essential for decision-making to ensure sustainable management of game resources.
Clear and snowy weather conditions are particularly good for noticing signs of animal presence. The State Forest Service therefore calls hunters and other forest visitors to detect and report the signs of wolf presence (footprints, excrements, remains of animals).
The most convenient way of reporting is uploading photos of signs and GPS coordinates using “Mednis” app, which is available for both Android and Apple iOS for free. The app is connected to the State Forest Service’s information system “State Forest Register”, so you will need to log in to ensure the provided information could be checked.
To report, please open “Novērojumi” section in the “Mednis” app and allow the app to take photos. To capture GPS coordinates, the location function on the smartphone must be switched on, and mobile data access should preferably be activated. The same procedure applies when reporting other forest animals.
According to the information registered with the State Forest Service by 13.12.2022, signs presence of the wolves (hunted wolves, footprints, excrements, remains of animals, wolf damage) have been detected in quadrants covering 50% of the territory of Latvia. The aim of wolf population management is to maintain its favourable conservation status in Latvia for an indefinite period and to contribute to the maintenance of the favourable conservation status of the Baltic wolf population. It is important not to set maximum numbers and habitat numbers, but to ensure the presence of the wolf as a coherent and functional component of wildlife in zones occupied and managed by humans. At the same time, it is essential to respect and to improve the quality of life and well-being of the members of society.
Source: https://www.lms.org.lv/jaunumi/vmd-aicina-zinot-par-vilku-klatbutnes-pazimem/